World 2 is now ready to be playable! As always patch notes are below:

Cappi Pocket Adventure Beta V 1.0.5 Update Notes

--General changes--

*Some tilemap additions and edits were made in DP and SO, for the sake of polish

*New sprites for Cappi! He looks like a good lil lad now

*New enemies! They give the same abilities from before but some diversity can't hurt

*Added a lot more sound effects for moves/enemies

*Added a tension gauge to limit the use of air dashes

*Pressing the discard button when landing from a stomp can be used to gain a burst of speed in an instant at the cost of tension

*Don't spam dash attacks too closely within each other

--Bug Fixes--

*Fixed an issue where restarting from a game over in a parallel level and then exiting the level resulted in a crash

*Fixed an issue where Ruv did not teleport to the player when loading to a new part of a level. He's just interplanetary threat level I guess

*Fixed an issue where the screen kept shaking if you left during parallel 1's chase sequence

--Changes to characters--

*Damage for certain yoyos were nerfed. Here are the changes:
Quake (7 -> 4)

Sound (2nd Charge: 7 -> 5)

Razor (5 -> 3)

*Delays for yoyos were adjusted:

Sound (15 -> 30 frames);

Always test your weapons with bosses before putting numbers kids

*Bomb, sound, rolling got new mobility options to make them usable outside of attacks

*Fireworks down air attack can be used in all speeds instead of just the walking one

*Balloon can now be used proper in the air

*If you dash attack too many times without hitting something cappi will spin out

*Parrying is nerfed, duration of the parry reduced (50->30 frames) and cooldown is increased between parries (65->145 frames)

*Brawler's stalactite are now visible before falling. Yes, it took a year for a visual cue to be added

*Brawler's jump time is now varied each time

*Brawler can be parried, it will flip him around to stop his rolling in your direction, however it can't be spammed and if attempted, you'll get hit

*Isabella base hp increased 80 -> 120

--Stage changes and rehauls--

*CHANGES World 1 Level 3-4 has the new tilemap! No longer does it look so retro

*ADDS: World 2 Level 3, Sunken Temple, is now playable

*ADDS: World 2 Level 4, Boss, is now playable

*ADDS: Parallel 2, 94-P Voyage, is now playable

*CHANGES: Springs are now a bit more like how you'd expect springs in a sonic game

*CHANGES: Numerous levels have added obstacles and decorations to make the levels feel a bit more alive


*some missing sound effects or sound effects from other games are used as placeholders

*saving bindings isn't working at the moment, sorry for the inconvenience


Cappi Pocket Adventure World 2 Beta 29 MB
43 days ago

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